Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ancient Roman Gardens and Landscaping

The origin of landscape design is impossible to determine. It didn't start with a certain person, or a particular movement: like all design, it arose to fulfill the needs of people organically through history. No one suddenly decided that we needed to scrupulously plan where we place our trees and flower beds - landscape architecture was developed to make one aspect of our lives even better, and it has fulfilled this role excellently throughout our past.

Although the first mention of the incredible combination of gardens and design was certainly the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, there is some controversy about their historical correctness. Although their Characteristics and status as one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is attractive, we really don't know where to separate the history from the mythology. Although many experts have detailed the function, design, and creator of the Hanging Gardens, there are no Babylonian information still in existence that document them first-hand, and no archaeological evidence that unquestionably proves their existence - so we'll have to look elsewhere for a more useful place to begin.

Possibly the first appearance of what we deem modern landscaping arose during the rise of the Roman Empire. Romans lived in a more urban setting than anyone else up to that point in history, and they needed an in-city refuge from their bustling social lives. This as a goal, the Ancient Roman gardens developed a calming combination of ornamental plants, mosaics, and fountains - the gardens also were loaded with religious symbolism.

This closely designed landscaping stood in stark contrast to landscape design that would develop in the east, where Chinese and Japanese gardeners would attempt to make their landscape as unassuming and un-designed as possible. Landscape design also took a great leap foreword in Persia, where remarkable underground aqueducts were designed to keep lavish gardens alive in the arid environment. In fact, there is some evidence that Roman gardens were deeply influenced by Persian gardening techniques.

These are just a few examples of the many forms that landscaping has taken over the years, but it really seemed to enter its adolescence in the 1800s. The term "Landscape architecture" was coined by Gilbert Meason in his book "On The Landscape Architecture of the Great Painters of Italy", where he wrote about Italian masterpieces of landscape painting. The term's meaning has changed somewhat since its inception, the transformation helped along by the use of the expression in the winning entry for the layout of Central Park in New York City. In the mid 1900s, people who designed landscapes were referred to as "Landscape Gardeners", but Frederick Olmsted denied this limiting name and adopted the name "Landscape Architect".

In recent times, there has been a movement towards Landscape Urbanism, which is blending an urban setting with nature. With more and more people living in urban settings, landscaping has to fit into and work alongside urban planning, causing some exceptional combinations of asphalt and mulch. This attitude shift is certainly a modern phenomenon, but it really isn't that unique. Think back to those Ancient Roman Gardens: when cutting-edge landscapers use a combination of design, landscaping, and an urban location, they're just doing like the Romans did.

Mark Charipar is a landscape designer and architect who creates beautiful landscapes in Lincoln, NE.

Learn more about him and his company here: Landmark Landscapes

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