Sunday, June 2, 2013

Architectural House Design - Why Bespoke Design is Best!

Architectural House Design will provide you with a home that 'stands out from the crowd', is functional and perfectly suited to your lifestyle and taste. The fact is that engaging an architect to work with you in designing your home can sound both daunting and expensive yet ironically as far as both these scenarios are concerned this doesn't have to be the case.

What I have found with many of my clients is that when I have been involved from the early stage the design works. It works from two aspects cost and functionality. Whether you like it or not, from my experience it's very difficult (but not impossible) to get that 'magic touch' on completion if you and your architect don't become 'immersed' in what you want. You know, the feeling that Yep, this is exactly as I dreamed it would turn out! This is especially vital when it comes to renovation projects utilising modern architecture design.

Architects in Hampstead, London and Kensington in particular will know that houses in these areas are 'period' properties with new housing stock coming on to the market that are usually flats - houses are rare. This makes it difficult not only to find properties that are suitable for integrating contemporary architecture design but also to get the necessary planning applications through.

This is where the expertise of a professional architect is paramount, rather than just a pure architectural design services company. You have to be able to make the best design out of what you have and it has to be 'unique'!

You see architectural house design should be looked at from several aspects to ensure that you get the home you want. Quite often there is compromise. We as architects have to balance what you the client wants BUT at the same time WE are often limited by what the planners will approve.

Now having said that, it is usually much easier with planners when we design bespoke interiors for flats but, as you can imagine, much more difficult when it comes to detached, semi detached and terrace housing.

This is where your architects expertise comes in to play. When the design process starts from the beginning of the brief your architect, through experience, is going to know what will both work for you the client and what will get planning approval where it's needed. I can't stress enough how important the concept of 'balance' is. Very rarely have my clients had to 'compromise' on what they have wanted. It's because we have put our heads together and got the best possible design from the beginning.

The one thing that remains common to all my clients has been the desire to not only have a comfortable, stylish home where unique design concepts have been implemented but that it 'feels like home' to them.

This is important as many of my clients are not investors/developers looking to produce a tasteful design to appeal to purchasers but individuals who are looking for a beautiful home. A home that only a bespoke architectural design can accomplish.

Architectural House Design is the only way that you are going to get a unique, bespoke home designed to suit your needs and surprisingly it often works out as being extremely cost effective!

Realisation By Design are Architects and Interior Designers of Exclusive Bespoke Residences and Commercial Developments and are one of the premier architects in Hampstead and Kensington. Phone 01582 831441 and see how we can design your dream home!

Article Source:!&id=4919305

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